Chris Gowlett
Jan 24

8 Ways to Develop Effective Internal Trainers in Your Business

For businesses looking to enhance their training capabilities, developing internal trainers is a strategic move. It not only fosters a culture of continuous learning but also ensures that training is tailored to the specific needs of the business.

This post discusses the process of developing internal trainers, from identifying potential candidates to measuring the effectiveness of your training program.

1: Identify Potential Trainers

Talent Scouting: Look for employees who possess not only expertise in their field but also a passion for teaching and mentoring others.
Assessing Skills and Potential: Evaluate their communication skills, leadership qualities, and ability to engage and inspire learners.

2: Provide Essential Training Skills

Level 3 Award in Education and Training: Encourage potential trainers to undertake this qualification. It provides foundational skills in teaching and is a valuable asset for any internal trainer.
Specialised Training: Consider additional training that aligns with your business's specific training needs and goals. Packages such as our First Aid QualifiedTrainer can give your trainers all the skills, qualifications and resources they need to start training your workforce.

3: Foster a Culture of Learning and Development

• Leadership Support: Ensure that the development of internal trainers is supported and valued at the leadership level.
• Learning Environment: Create an environment that encourages continuous learning and development, making it an integral part of your business ethos.

4: Offering Continuous Professional Development

  • Ongoing Learning Opportunities: Provide regular opportunities for your internal trainers to update their skills and knowledge.
  • Feedback and Evaluation: Implement a system for feedback and self-evaluation, allowing trainers to continuously improve their methods and approach.

5: Efficient Resource Allocation

  • Budgeting for Training: Allocate a specific budget for training development, including resources for courses, materials, and time for training activities.
  • Utilising Technology: Leverage technology to make training more accessible and cost-effective, such as e-learning platforms and virtual training tools.

6: Measuring Training Effectiveness

  • Setting Clear Objectives: Establish clear, measurable objectives for each training session.
  • Evaluation Methods: Use a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the impact of training on performance and business outcomes.

7: Engage Staff in Training Programmes

  • Interactive and Relevant Content: Ensure that training content is engaging, interactive, and directly relevant to the learners' roles and responsibilities.
  • Recognition and Incentives: Recognise and reward active participation and achievements in training programmes.

8: Setting Up as an Affiliate Training Centre

  • Partnership with Awarding Bodies: Consider setting up your internal training program as an Affiliate Training Centre. This partnership can provide access to accredited courses and additional resources.
  • Enhancing Credibility: Being an affiliate training centre adds credibility to your training programs and ensures they meet high-quality standards.


Developing internal trainers is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning and commitment. By identifying the right candidates, providing them with essential training skills, fostering a learning culture, and continuously evaluating and improving your training programs, you can build a robust internal training system. This approach not only enhances the skills of your workforce but also contributes significantly to the overall growth and success of your business.

Take the first step to developing your internal trainers with our QualifiedTrainer™ courses.